Tuesday, September 29, 2015


On the face of it there is not much to draw tourists into Bulatsinhala, this is a major attraction place, it's just regular small town Sri Lanka with friendly locals and no touts.

Market day is Sunday and the town gets busy but during the week it can be an almost sleepy place, excellent for tout free shopping (to be fair nearby Horana and Matugama are better). Local shops and small cafes have most things you'll want, there is also a pharmacy, clinic, post office and bank (no ATM). The bustling city of Horana, less than an hour away by local bus, has everything else you might need.

Near Bulatsinhala is the impressive rock temple and Buddhist seminary at Pahiyangala. Famous in Sri Lanka Pahiyangala draws Buddhists by the bus load on poya day but is over looked by the guide books so you will have it largely to yourself the rest of the time. There is no fixed entry charge but your donation will be appreciated.

If you want to spend a few days off the beaten track (and you want a slice of real Sri Lankan village life) you can stay at Sampaths House at near by Dematapitiya, there is only one room and its like nowhere else, check it out in my accommodation tips.

                                                                                   Getting their

Via Matugama from Bentota or Beruwala or pick up the Horana bus at Panadura, this is easily reached by bus and train from Colombo and all the west coast resorts. At Horana or Matugama you can get direct and frequent buses to Bulatsinhala. 

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