Tuesday, September 29, 2015


The Hill Temple at Pimbura is not a particularly impressive structure, more a ramshackle collection of shrines and associated outbuildings spread out on the top of a ridge, in fact the nearer you get to the temple, the more you feel like you are in Nepal rather than Sri Lanka, but the setting, the atmosphere and the fact that you are almost certainly the only visitor makes up for any shortfall in the architecture. 

You need to explore this place and just when you think you have seen it all there is yet another path to something else. The views from the top are magnificent, which means it is quite a hard climb , and you will need good shoes and plenty of water and do not go too late in the day, the track is steep, rocky and unlit. For the naturalists amongst you there are the usual birds, bats and monkeys. 

There is only one Monk in residence, he will be surprised to see you and will no doubt welcome your donation.

From Aluthgama take the bus to Agalawatta via Matugama from Agalawatta pick up the Horana bus or a three wheeler (approx Rs150). There is only one road worthy of the name running through Pimbura, the track to the Temple leads off to the left (if you are travelling north) just past the district hospital, ask anyone. There is an alternative
route up and down the hill so you can make a round trip. There is another Temple in Pimbura (which is not on a hill) it's a nice place but nothing remarkable.

If you are trying your hand at independent travel this makes a good day trip from Bentota, Beruwala or Kalutara.

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